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Please post any suspicious activity observed in the neigborhood. Doing so can prevent or help apprehend persons involved in crime related activities against our neighbors. Registered Carriage Gate neighbors are automatically alerted of your posts.

The Palm Bay police dept. have access to this board. We encourage them to post crime related activity, and warnings associated with our neighborhood.

The police dept. also receives immediate notification whenever posts are made of suspicious neighborhood activity. Registered Carriage Gate members always receive immediate email notification of Neighborhood watch alerts and warnings, whether posted by police, neighbors, or Palm Bay's codeRed alert system.

Registered Carriage Gate households are welcome to use the other features of the site to share news of interest, events and announcements.

The purpose of the Carriage Gate Neighborhood Watch Message Board is to provide an efficient method of reporting and disseminating information to the neighborhood, and to help deter crime related activity in our community.
As a second purpose, the site strives to improve communication and fellowship among neighbors in the community, by providing an easy to use forum to keep in touch with each other.

If you have questions or need help using this site email or call:
[email protected]
(321) 984-9080