This is a private
web site for use by Carriage Gate residents only
residents of the Carriage Gate community are given access
Neighborhood Watch web site features
This site gives Carriage Gate area residents:
- Immediate email notification of Neighborhood Watch Warnings, Emergency Alerts, Suspicious Activities
- Ability to view current and historical posts of suspicious activities.
- Neighbors and police are immediately notified, when neigborhood watch messages are posted.
- Notification, of issues raised by residents and their ongoing status or resolution
- A Private Forum where Carriage Gate residents can "Get Together" to discuss community issues
- A Private Women's Forum where women in the community can meet and discuss.
- A Chat room where neighbors can have real time discussions/meetings
- A Neighborhood Calendar where neighbors can view and post neighborhood events
- A Neighborhood watch monitoring tool, for residents serious about crime prevention
Neighborhood Watch warnings, alerts, and new messages can be Automatically emailed to you.
You can post messages while viewing the board, or send an email to the board and it will post.
The site is strictly monitored to prevent spam,
and profanity.
Messages advocating, or encouraging
hate, violence, or racial intolerance will not be permitted.
site's biggest value may be in preventing neighborhood crime,
but there are other uses for our message board:
- "Get Together" place to discuss issues, related to the community
- View neighbor opinions/concerns related to the community
- Community chatroom - Chat with neighbors online
- Post or view garage sale items in the neighborhood
- Introduce yourself and learn about neighbors through the neighborhood directory
- Use the board to organize and learn about neighborhood events
- Neighborhood Calendar - view and post upcoming community events
- Share photos - of interest to you and your neighbors. Uploading photos is easy
- Review neighbor opinions about local businesses, contractors. Add your own opinion
- Share by uploading files/documents that may be of interest to the neighborhood
- View/Post results/minutes of meetings related to the community
- Create "Votable Polls" - where neighbors can vote on community issues
- Correspond with neighbors via a private neighborhood email list
Only residents, with addresses in the community,
are allowed to registered.
Do your share, by registering. Help create a useful and fun
meeting place for our residents.
The site was developed for residents of Carriage Gate by