Operational Buttons -
Email Notification -
Board Navigation Links
This guide is intended as an orientation guide for normal Board users.
To view information on managing or moderating a board
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Board Navigation Links

At the top of your board, a list of the Forums defined for your board are displayed.(see graphic above)
Clicking on a forum name takes you to that part of your
board containing messages for that forum.
Below are descriptions of Links and Buttons that may or may not be displayed
near the top of your board, depending on how your board manager has configured your board.
Calendar: Clicking this link, will cause your board to
display a calendar. The calendar will display any calendar events that have been posted to it, and
allow you to post events to it.
Skins: Clicking this link, will display a template of
skin selections. Skin selections are just different color schemes you can choose to display
your board with.
DateFilter: Clicking this link, allows you to filter
the messages that are displayed by specifying a date range.
TitlesOnly/TitlesAndMsgs: This is actually two links, that
toggle from one name to another, i.e. TitlesOnly or TitlesAndMessages. Clicking the displayed
link, will display your board either so that only "Message Titles" are displayed, or so that
both "Message Titles and the full text of the associated messages" are displayed.
OnlyShowTopics/ShowReplies: This is actually two links, that
toggle from one name to another, i.e. OnlyShowTopics or ShowReplies. Clicking the displayed
link, will display your board either so that only "Message Topics" are displayed, or so that
both "Message Topics and the associated Replies" to those message topics are displayed.
ExpandAllForums: Clicking this link,
will cause your board to display all messages For All Forums, on one page. This display
can take significantly longer, if your board has a large number of messages, than viewing messages for only one forum.
tFormat: Clicking this link, will cause your board to redisplay
your board using a "Hierarchial Tree" type format. Similar to the way microsoft windows displays folders
within folder, when browsing the contents of your hard disk.
TopPage: Clicking this link, will cause your board to display a
Summary List of Forums along with the number of messages
in each forum and last post in each forum. Subsequent clicking on a forum name will display only
messages in that specific forum.
Operational Buttons Top

These buttons, located at the top of your board,
allow you to View, Modify, Delete, Create, and Search for specific messages. Your board manager
may disable/hide one or more of these buttons. Below is a
description of each button:
Use this button to view all messages on your board.
Use this button to create a new message topic within a forum.
Use this button to create a Reply to an existing message that you are viewing.
Pressing either of the buttons above causes the board to display a form allowing
the user to post a message. Near the top of this form is an
HTML Formatting Toolbar
for inserting graphics, hyperlinks,
smilies, and HTML code into their message. Users can easily add color, bold, italics, font type/size, etc.
to their message using the HTML Formatting Toolbar. It's possible this feature may be disabled by your board manager.
If your HTML toolbar looks like this:

Click Here. for a detailed description of the HTML Formatting Toolbar
If your HTML toolbar looks like this:
Use the tutorial selection below for detailed instructions on
using the toolbar.
These instructions are also available on the POST message
form itself.
Tutorials for the WYSIWYG editor
These two buttons allows you to modify or delete messages you've created earlier. Pressing either
causes the system to prompt you for the message id of the message you want to modify or delete.
The message id of each message is displayed at the bottom of each
message. Your also need to supply the password you used
to create the message. This password ensures only you can
modify or delete your message.
This button is used to search for specific messages on your board. Pressing this button
displays a form allowing you to specify search criteria used to qualify
messages displayed.
This button is also used to view and search your board's Archived messages.
This button returns you to your board's home page, if the Board Owner has
specified a home page, otherwise it returns you to the home page for BulletinBoards.com.
This button displays the Frequently Asked Questions page and links
to the User's Guide(this page) and the Manager's Guide.
Email Notification Top
For Non-Threaded and SemiThreaded Boards -- Located just beneath the operational buttons, at the top of your board or
For Threaded Boards -- Located at the bottom of the Message List Window
you'll see a link labeled:
Clicking this link displays the board's email notification form, allowing
you to add your email address to the board's email notification list. The email
notification form allows you to request email notification if any new messages
are added to the board or alternatively, only if new messages are posted to a specific section/category of
the board. Email notification is sent once each night if new messages are
detected meeting your specification criteria.