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(24 Msgs in forum)    LastPost: Apr-03 2020 11:27 PM
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  Cancer prevention Click Here to Reply To Topic
    An article dated August 10, 1998, that I read about just recently, spoke about cancer prevention through changes in the diet. This article was written by HealthNews, who are the publishers of the New England Journal of Medicine.

    Posted by Dan   on Jun-02 11   
    [email protected]

    Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart

          1 Cancer Prevention Click here to view reply in a separate window
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      But what about the recent studies that attempted to prove a link between breast cancer and the intake of saturated fat? Those studies found just the opposite. The women that ate the most saturated fat had the fewest occurances of breast cancer. I don't think meat consumption is the culprit. My research tends to point more towards the highly processed foods and polyunsaturated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils in particular. These products have greatly increased in the American diet in the last 50 or so years, right along with the cancer rate, and right along with the decline in the consumption of stable saturated fats.

      Posted by Dan   on Jun-02 11   
      [email protected]

      Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart

          2 re: Cancer Prevention Click here to view reply in a separate window
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      Thanks for responding with some interesting information. In my opinion, I think that Alexanderis right about suspecting highly processed foods etc. as the possible culprit. I have my own thoughts or theories about how cancer rates may have possibly increased as we Americans continue eating piles of junk food. Our diets in general, are not only lacking in adequate supplies of fruits and vegetables, but they are filled with many high calorie processed foods, with many different types of hidden sugars.

      I think that it is important to make a more conscious effort to try to live a better life, by eating healthy, exercising etc. Time and time again, it is proven that people like that statistically will get sick less often, including the deadly disease of cancer.

      Posted by Opal   on Jun-02 11   
      [email protected]

      Those who criticize our generation forget who raised it.

2Clicking here scrolls page to top Opal
Jun-02 11
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