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Xerox Alumni Association Bulletin Board
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Sat 06 Apr 2024 02:01 PM
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Executive Board Announcements                                         
(10 Msgs in forum)    LastPost: Apr-06 2:02 PM
XAA 2024 Reunion Click here to view this message
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       Posted on Apr-06   
XAA 2024 Reunion Click here to view this message
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     Posted by Dick Green   on Apr-06   
XAA 2023 Reunion Click here to view this message
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     Posted by Dick Green   on Mar-01 23   
XAA 2021 Reunion Click here to view this message
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     Posted by Dick Green   on May-13 21   
2018 XXA Reunion Click here to view this message
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     Posted by Dick Green   on Feb-22 18   
2017 Reunion Get-Together Click here to view this message
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     Posted by Dick Green   on Jan-24 17   
XAA Reunion 2015 Click here to view this message
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     Posted by Dick Green   on Jun-03 15   
Xerox Alumni Reunion 2013 Click here to view this message
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     Posted by Dick Green   on Aug-09 13   
Executive Board Change Click here to view this message
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     Posted by Dick Green   on Dec-30 11   
2011 Xerox Alumni Reunion Click here to view this message
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     Posted by Dick Green   on Feb-24 11   
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