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     Last Activity 2 months ago       
Difference between Graduate Nurse and an Experienced Nurse
  Replies: 2
        How to tell the difference between a Graduate Nurse and an Experienced Nurse:

A Graduate Nurse throws up when the patient does. 
An Experienced Nurse calls housekeeping when a patient throws up

A Graduate Nurse wears so many pins on their name badge you can't read it. 
An Experienced Nurse doesn't wear a name badge for liability reasons.

A Graduate Nurse charts too much.
An Experienced Nurse doesn't chart enough.

A Graduate Nurse loves to run to codes. 
An Experienced Nurse makes graduate nurses run to codes.

A Graduate Nurse wants everyone to know they are a nurse. 
An Experienced Nurse doesn't want anyone to know they are a nurse.

A Graduate Nurse keeps detailed notes on a pad. 
An Experienced Nurse writes on the back of their hand, paper scraps, napkins, etc.

A Graduate Nurse will spend all day trying to reorient a patient. 
An Experienced Nurse will chart the patient is disoriented and restrain them.

A Graduate Nurse can hear a beeping I-med at 50 yards. 
An Experienced Nurse can't hear any alarms at any distance.

A Graduate Nurse loves to hear abnormal heart and breath sounds. 
An Experienced Nurse doesn't want to know about them unless the patient is symptomatic.

A Graduate Nurse spends 2 hours giving a patient a bath. 
An Experienced Nurse lets the CNA give the patient a bath.

A Graduate Nurse thinks people respect Nurses. 
An Experienced Nurse knows everybody blames everything on the nurse.

A Graduate Nurse looks for blood on a bandage hoping they will get to change it. 
An Experienced Nurse knows a little blood never hurt anybody.

A Graduate Nurse looks for a chance "to work with the family." 
An Experienced Nurse avoids the family.

A Graduate Nurse expects meds and supplies to be delivered on time. 
An Experienced Nurse expects them to never be delivered at all.

A Graduate Nurse will spend days bladder training an incontinent patient. 
An Experienced Nurse will insert a Foley catheter.

A Graduate Nurse always answers their phone. 
An Experienced Nurse checks their caller ID before answering the phone.

A Graduate Nurse thinks psych patients are interesting. 
An Experienced Nurse thinks psych patients are crazy.

A Graduate Nurse carries reference books in their bag. 
An Experienced Nurse carries magazines, lunch, and some "cough syrup" in their bag.

A Graduate Nurse doesn't find this funny. 
An Experienced Nurse does 

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     Last Activity Feb 25 2013       
Started By JudyD
Joke Therapy/Humor in the workplace
  Replies: 1    LastReply: Tomasine
 Once I was working in long term therapy and had a depressed pt who had a stroke. She would not come out of her room even for meals. I got all the aides to start working with me to tell her a good clean joke every time they went in her room. It became a real challenge to find that many good clean jokes. Well the aides started getting other residents to think of some jokes for them to tell her. The other residents became involved and some even started going to her room to tell her their joke, after a week or to she started telling me and the aides jokes she had heard. after about a month there were so many going to her room, she decided to come out for meals. Joke therapy worked. Can anyone else tell some real life experiences about humor in the work place.

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