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Wed 04 Oct 2023 10:20 PM
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Upcoming Outreach TripsClick here to display all messages for this forum     
(82 Msgs )    LastPost: Sep-19 2023 10:04 PM
Our Purpose and Mission

Our Purpose and MissionClick here to display all messages for this forum     
(3 Msgs )    LastPost: Dec-04 2013 7:10 PM
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Testimonials from past tripsClick here to display all messages for this forum     
(31 Msgs )    LastPost: Sep-19 2023 9:50 PM

Ministry needsClick here to display all messages for this forum     
(17 Msgs )    LastPost: Sep-25 2023 10:32 PM

Pilots information cornerClick here to display all messages for this forum     
(9 Msgs )    LastPost: Feb-08 2019 2:48 AM
For mission pilots only, ask Dr Budincich for access to this page. We discuss flying in Baja and the condition of airstrips, fuel availability, Mexican rule changes etc.

Manos Con Alas Ministries officersClick here to display all messages for this forum     
(3 Msgs )    LastPost: Oct-04 2023 10:20 PM

How you can help us?Click here to display all messages for this forum     
(10 Msgs )    LastPost: Dec-31 2019 10:12 AM

Main Website www.mansconalas.orgClick here to display all messages for this forum     
(1 Msg )    LastPost: Feb-21 2011 8:30 PM

How to Give to this 501(c)3?Click here to display all messages for this forum     
(2 Msgs )    LastPost: Dec-04 2013 5:01 PM

Print forms and mission handbookClick here to display all messages for this forum     
(3 Msgs )    LastPost: Jul-07 2017 5:20 AM

What to pack(and not pack)for a tripClick here to display all messages for this forum     
(4 Msgs )    LastPost: Mar-20 2013 10:11 AM

Flying in private airplanes and safetyClick here to display all messages for this forum     
(2 Msgs )    LastPost: Feb-11 2019 11:43 AM

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