A couple of years ago, I asked one of my brides if she'd like to create a #hashtag to Instagram her wedding. Friends & family could upload photos instantly throughout the day depicting scenes of the the bridal party & each other they'd never see otherwise. Casual, informal and fun. Sort of a replacement for those instant cameras placed on the table at the reception. Only better. These photos depict the behind the scenes events......laughter, tears........and even some of the "ooops! " moments. After all, your professional photographer can't capture every moment and is focused on the more detailed, formal coverage of the wedding. Photos you'll want to see in your wedding album. Instagram photos are the "just for fun photos, but you'd be surprised at the number of priceless moments captured.
My bride didn't take me up on the #hashtag idea. She, nor her friends, at that time, were users of Instagram.......My how times have changed! Facebook is (for the most part) "out "and Instagram is "in". It's quick, easy & fun. Everyone has a camera (iphone) in hand at the wedding, so it's a natural transition to have a central location to get all those photos to the bride & groom.
Allowing your family & guests to post instagram photos can provide you with some of the most fun and quirky images. You'll be surprised at the creativity of some of the images.
And how heartfelt and beautiful candid moments can be.
Is instagramming your wedding the right choice for you? There are plenty of reasons to instagram your wedding but there are also some reasons not to as well. Yes, it's great to see all those behind the scenes and photos of your wedding day. However, it can be disappointing if someone chooses to post something you consider "unflattering" or not in good taste since you lose the option of previewing images before they go up. (But that's no different than Facebook or other social networking sites.) I find most friends, family & guests are sensitive to what they post. If you are a more private person or couple, you may not enjoy the "popularity" of your wedding event.
This article breaks down the pros & cons of instagramming your wedding, so it's a good read if you're undecided:
Ok, so you feel everyone will post only photos in good taste, how do you go about creating a #hashtag? The first thing you want to do it create an original hashtag. Don't to choose a name already in use. You don't really want someone else's family photos in your collection do you?! Chose a name that others will easily remember and find clever ways to spread the word. You can include it on your wedding website, your save the date card, at your engagement parties and on the wedding day, sprinkle tasteful reminders throughout the day of your wedding.
Want to learn more about using your unique hashtag for your wedding? Just do a google search. There is so much information on the Internet. Here's a couple of really helpful articles to get you started:
And Wedding Wire will generate a hashtag for free at:
And there you have it! Go forth and #hashtag your wedding! It will be an "insta-gram" success!